The husband and I are prepping to travel to the lake house again once he gets past the next board meeting. For this trip we've hired a local moving company to haul the rest of our stuff up there. The weekend we closed on the lake house, I could barely wiggle after unloading/unboxing two trailers full of essentials. The husband was in about the same shape. Oh sure, after a couple days we were feeling back to normal. But I am definitely not pulling the trailer again anytime soon with my new towing PTSD, and you're about to understand why.
When we made the six hour drive with trailers in tow for closing, me with the smaller one attached to my SUV and the husband hauling the larger one with his truck, I was a bit nervous. But honestly, the husband makes it look easy and so I decided to take it all in stride. When the husband hauled the big trailer back home and I stayed behind with the dogs for several days to wait for a few furniture deliveries, I decided I could probably tow the smaller trailer home. I've watched the husband hitch it up many times and figured I could do the same. How hard could it be, right?!

I rolled out of bed that Friday morning, backed up my SUV and attached the trailer like I'd seen him do so many times. Which undoubtedly gave me some misplaced confidence. I sent these pics above to the husband and he noted that I didn't put down the hitch latch. With everything else APPEARING to pass muster, I put down the latch and loaded up the doggos. We exited our community and I took the route up to the divided four lane highway to kick off our journey. All was well until I hit a big pothole on the longer bridge across the lake. Then all hell broke loose... or maybe just the trailer. That big bump caused the trailer hitch to pop off the ball and the trailer's tongue began dragging on the road, this awful metal on asphalt sound. Thank heavens for the safety chains that kept it from totally breaking free.
Y'all, I about had a heart attack when all this went down. I immediately knew I was in trouble when I checked my rearview mirror and realized the two vehicles behind me had hit their brakes because they could see the mess I was in. So there I was with my hazard lights flashing, at a standstill in the right lane of traffic, halfway across the bridge, the dogs just a barking, and me in a total panic.
I immediately called 911 to request they send someone from the sheriff's department to direct traffic around me until I could get the trailer re-attached. After I ended that call and went to exit my vehicle, little white dog Finn made a break for the door and almost landed in the traffic that was whizzing by. Lord have mercy, I was fit to be tied and teary eyed at this point. A dead dog would have been the cherry on top of this hellacious sundae.
About that time, the Lord sent a few good Samaritans in the form of an older couple and LP gas truck driver. I had started waving traffic around this mess I inadvertently created on the road when they pulled over to offer help. The three of us were able to get the trailer hitched up again. The kind older gentleman asked me about the pin to hold the hitch latch in place and I told him I didn't have one. I knew my husband never used one. Tsk-tsk. He told me there was an auto parts store a few miles down the road that should have hitch pins. In the meantime, the LP guy found a coat hanger in the cab of his truck and secured the latch as best he could for the short drive there.
Paranoid now, I crept along well under the speed limit to get to the auto parts store. Once there, I generously tipped the nice employee to come look at the hitch, sell me what I needed and then go out again to be sure the hitch was secure and pin in place for the drive home. I was now overflowing with ZERO confidence in my trailer attaching skills, as you can imagine. Every time I hit a bump for the ensuing five plus hour drive, I'd white knuckle grip the steering wheel, wince and check the rearview mirror to make sure the trailer was still back there.
I called the husband about thirty miles down the road after this whole pee-my-pants scenario played out and I could breathe normally again. He initially thought I was joking when I told him the trailer detached. Once he understood what happened, he mentioned to me that the hitch latch could be "fiddly" and I probably should have bounced the trailer tongue up and down a few times just to be sure it was attached to the ball and the latch properly secured. Evidence, yet again, that hindsight is 20/20 and the devil is in the details. The details that would have been handy to know BACK AT THE HOUSE when I was hitching up the trailer.
I figure I'm proof our Heavenly Father watches over babies and fools. Seriously, lesson learned, y'all. Number one - Don't assume I'm capable just because someone else makes a thing look easy. Number 2,3,4 - Pay close attention, ask lots of questions and consider all possibilities. Number 5 - Check, and re-check. Then check again one more time, just for good measure. And finally, trust that Jesus will continue to ride shotgun with me down life's highway, ready to take the wheel when I'm in need.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6