Another lovely Christmas season is in the books. We hosted thirteen at our home for Christmas Eve, and there were twelve of us at the brother-in-law's house on Christmas Day. I was so busy hostessing and enjoying the company that I didn't snap one picture of the family and friends in attendance. Alas, I did end up with a few of the food prep and dogs, which cracks me up. Pictures are nice, but these sweet memories will live on in my heart and mind even if I didn't document them on social media.
Yesterday I put in many hours getting all of my Christmas decor stored for another year, and the house put back to rights so I can relax in the run up to a lazy new year. It has been four months since the pumpkins went up to replace my usual decor, and so it's always nice to rediscover my shelves of travel display keepsakes as I put everything back where it belongs.
I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday spent creating precious memories with family and friends, and that you also remembered the real reason we celebrate December 25, the precious gift of God incarnate come to walk amongst His creation. This year I made my annual December effort to appreciate God's great love for us in the form of Jesus sent to mankind for our salvation, and really enjoyed my two advent devotionals. It's the gift that keeps on giving to each successive generation when we share His good news with those in our sphere. The Lord can't grow believers if we aren't doing our part to plant the seeds of belief for Him. Go tell it on the mountain, indeed. I'll see y'all in 2025 - be safe out there!