Wednesday, December 4, 2024

A short slide to Christmas

After a hectic fall leading up to the wedding, I've more or less hit smooth sailing through the holidays. My brother-in-law and his wife hosted a lovely Thanksgiving feast for family last week that we thoroughly enjoyed. My contribution was a spiral ham and fresh apple cake. We got to see the law school daughter for a few days before she returned to Dallas to study for semester exams. I finished getting the house and yard decorated for Christmas, so I'm enjoying the charm of it all. And the temps finally feel seasonal rather than summery. 

Now it's on to making menus and shopping lists for our immediate family Christmas on Dec 21, followed by our annual Christmas Eve gathering I host for my side of the family and a few friends, and then Christmas Day with the husband's side of the family. It looks like a lot as I put it all into words here, and yet I sincerely enjoy gathering with everyone to celebrate. The law student is always an excellent helper with Christmas prep once she wraps up final exams.

I've about decided I'm not a big fan of a short window between Thanksgiving and Christmas because it's less time to anticipate all of the fabulousness surrounding the most wonderful time of the year. I read the following excerpt in my "Devotions for Christmas" book I started on Dec 1 and it's a timely reminder to stay focused on the reason we celebrate this time of year, that it's not about presents but rather the presence of our God come to earth in human form as Jesus in order to save His creation. That's the greatest gift any of us will ever receive, one we should give thanks for every day, not just at Christmas time.

"Step off the crazy train and reclaim Christmas. What is the secret? Having a singular focus. We can choose not to rush the celebration of Christ's birth. This December, focus each day on Him - as Paul said, on the 'source and perfecter of our faith.' Even though at this very moment the stores are enticing us to focus on decorations, gifts and holiday treats, let's purposefully heed Paul's advice and keep our eyes on Jesus."

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