Saturday, February 1, 2025

Lake days daze

I've just about gone cross-eyed, and surely ramped up the necessary power on my readers, looking at houses on the real estate websites. I have officially been searching for a lake house for a year. As in checking every day to see what is new to the market. We've worked with four different realtors who gave it their best shot. Below you can check out some of the back porch views we enjoyed while touring thirteen properties last weekend. If our current contract makes it past the period of haggling-for-inspection-repairs with the seller, I'll share some house pics of the winner. Stay tuned!

The husband and I have always been sunrise folks, not the sunset sort. If you're a fellow Texan, you know what I'm talking about. In the afternoon, you want to get the sun sinking to the front of your house as quickly as possible to get a break from the hot-as-an-oven temps on your back porch, back yard and boat house. And yet this sunset view below that God painted over the lake late one afternoon at our VRBO was a lovely end to the day. 

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, how exciting! We built our lake house and moved in in 2016. We love it still and purposely hunted for a lot that gives us the sunrise as opposed to sunset. We still get a reflection of the sunset, and often hop on the boat to catch one, but we knew we didn't want it beating down on our porch. South Carolina is like Texas that way : ) The sun moves across our back in the morning and we can enjoy our decks and porches in the afternoons and evenings because of that. Hope everything goes smoothly!
