Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pre Pre-prom Picture

Tonight is the senior's final high school prom. I haven't totaled up all of the money we've spent for prom this year, mainly because I know it's too much. 

Above you see the 6th grader taking a few individual pics with the senior's pricey camera, a fab one her daddy bought her back in the fall that would even allow the dog to take a decent shot. I was standing behind them snapping a few with my cheap camera. The senior's younger sister has gladly assumed the role of documenting this year for her older sister. I'm just the lame-o that doesn't follow all of the directions the senior's giving me when I'm behind the lens. 

The senior took pics in two different locations before boarding a boat on the Thames for a dinner cruise. With a legal drinking age of 18, there are lots of seniors who could be tossing back champagne or brewskis. Fortunately the school has devised this crafty plan, keeping them trapped on a boat for a four hour prom dinner and dancing cruise. Once they disembark at 11:00 and are turned loose, they can belly up to a bar at the local pub or go clubbing because the school is no longer responsible for their actions.

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