Sunday, February 4, 2018

Momma Braggin' Post

Thanks to a whole lotta nagging, some prayer and a pinch of luck, both girls are really thriving. A couple weeks ago, the high school junior was presented with the presidential volunteer service award at school. It had the Trumpsters bold signature on the certificate, and I gotta say they have a most excellent printer in DC because it looked as if he had signed that sucker with a Sharpie. The kids were recognized during chapel, so there she is smiling (third person from right on the back row) in genuine surprise because the students had no advance notice.

Meanwhile, the grad student daughter has a 3.7 GPA in her masters in management business program and is enjoying the experience so much that she decided over the semester break in December to apply for her masters in accounting for the '18-19 school year. Friday afternoon she found out she was accepted and awarded another merit scholarship similar to the one she has for her current program. So she'll get hooded for this first masters in May - which sounds kinda sketchy instead of an honor - then turn around and begin the second masters in June.

Our professional grad student seems happy as a clam spending our money on private school tuition at Wake Forest, and I can't say we mind since it's a great university and she really enjoys it there. I have a ton of respect for this girl who kinda half-assed her way through high school reading only the SparkNotes for every assigned novel and not starting on papers until after midnight when they were due to the next morning and yet seems to have college figured out and is racing through it with amazing grades. I sincerely hope this parlays into her dream job so we can get our little study bug off the parent payroll and out into the working world.

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