Saturday, August 7, 2021

A breath of cooler NM air

New Mexico didn't disappoint once we drove off the Texas plains and got into the hills. While cruising through Roswell, we noticed they really played up the alleged 1947 UFO crash with skinny green men dotting signs and buildings on the main highway through town. 

We watched the outside temperature display inside our vehicle slowly descend from the 90s to 70s, a lovely break from our typical Texas heat. Oh sure, we had some afternoon pop up showers a couple days in New Mexico, but overall we enjoyed the change in scenery and weather.

We spent a few days in Ruidoso, checking out real estate. In-between looking at home and lot options, we toodled around downtown to snoop through shops and enjoy some local eats. The murals painted on the sides of buildings were really colorful and Insta-worthy.


Y'all know I couldn't resist a bit of retail therapy when we ran across a Christmas store. Sure enough, I got to add a couple new Santas to my collection that I started thirty years ago. The shop owners were very chatty retired teachers, and appeared happy to answer my questions about the weather in Ruidoso when I was checking out.

The college coed is always game for a new hoodie or sweatshirt, so I had to send her several pics before she settled on her favorite for me to purchase.

We had lunch in this tasty local restaurant along the main drag with a large outside terrace that allowed pets on leashes. I struck up a conversation with the owner of the place, who appeared to be around our age, to get her thoughts on life in Ruidoso. She said she moved there from Texas about 30 years ago, and was very candid, which we appreciated. I knew there was a racetrack nearby, but had no idea it's home of the world's richest quarter horse race that takes place every Labor Day weekend. The owner said she likes the "horsey folks" because they're polite. The bike rally folks also got a thumbs up for the same reason. She wasn't so gung-ho about the college students and younger adults who show up every ski season. According to her, they're loud, often drunk, and terrible tippers!

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