Thursday, June 15, 2023

Fur, feathers & fond memories

Last weekend we were out on the back porch swings to catch a breeze late in the afternoon and I decided to water my planter filled with succulents. As I reached to turn on the outdoor kitchen faucet, I looked down and got a case of the heebie jeebies when I spied this furry fellow in the bottom of the sink. I've gotta admit it gave me a fright.

As I've mentioned in a few other blog posts, cardinals always remind me of my mother and grandmother. They've been everywhere lately. When our daughters went to do a second tour of the wedding venue to make sure it was "the one" the oldest preferred, our younger daughter snapped this pic of a cardinal she spied. I love that cardinals also remind our girls of their sweet Mimi. She would have been thrilled to hear about all of the wedding plans starting to slowly take shape.

Today would have been my granny's 101st birthday. I have so many wonderful memories of her. And I get an almost daily reminder of her and mother. Our new property has lots of cardinals, just like the house we sold and moved from this spring. There's a pair that nest outside the glass block windows of the master bath in a mountain laurel tree that I hear and see most mornings. When the girls were both here last month for Memorial Day, a cardinal sat on the fence and seemed to be watching us for the longest time while we were grilling supper. These beautiful birds continue to be a lovely reminder that brings a smile to my face while tugging on my heart strings. 

We went up to the river house for the day to hang out with friends recently. A few miles before our turnoff, we spied a herd of axis deer. I think this nonnative species is much prettier than our local whitetail population, and that includes their impressive horns. I hear they're also pretty tasty, but I don't have any firsthand knowledge of that!

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