Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Growing like a weed

Little man Finn is growing up. In the human school world, I'd consider him a first grader. He has moved from that initial whiny and more dependent kindergartner stage by adapting to various things in the past couple months about his environment and our routines to fit into the family. I took him to the vet for his final puppy checkup and shots. Sure enough, he has gained close to three pounds since his last visit a month ago. He's a smart little guy who only has the occasional potty accident in the house now, which is a relief. It has been helpful that he's *extremely* motivated by food. He joins his Auntie Pepper in patrolling the inner yard from our local deer, raccoons, etc. And he loves rolling his treat enrichment ball all over the downstairs when I reload it around lunchtime every day. 


Like our sweet old Ollie, Finn also enjoys hanging out in my office with me. He often takes a nap on one of the two doggy beds I placed in there for them. However, I often find him conked out under my computer desk, too.

Pepper has been so very helpful in Finn's adjustment. She's very laid back and doesn't react when he's being a toot. The only area where he has to tread carefully is treats. I've purchased several enrichment games and toys for Finn. However, Pepper thinks they're for her. And so she doesn't hesitate to let him know when to back off and defer to her desire to have first dibs with them as you can see in the short video below.

My summer has mostly been devoted to Finn's adjustment. Thankfully, our curtailed travel has paid off in cute puppy stories and a precious terrier boy who is a wonderful addition to our empty nester home. Now if I can just get Finn to quit thinking bugs are food, I'd be oh so happy. I have to use my strident voice with Finn to keep him from eating bugs on an almost daily basis. Which also means I have to monitor him the entire time he's outside. Just this morning I saved him from snacking on a praying mantis on the back porch. Yesterday it was a red wasp in the grass. Over the weekend it was a scorpion on the steps leading down into the yard. Our insect muncher is headed for a sting or upset stomach if he doesn't leave the bugs alone!

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