Saturday, December 9, 2023

In Texas it's winter foliage, not fall

Our fall foliage here in the Texas hill country typically doesn't make an appearance until we hit December, and this year was more of the same. I spied this row of blaze hued trees when I was walking Finn a couple days ago. Our trees here in the yard aren't as vibrant, but they're definitely displaying shades of fall. And floating down to the ground like snow when we get a puff of wind.

Once the husband retires, I firmly believe we'll end up with a second home in the upper south where they get four seasons instead of just our usual two here in Texas. Where it actually starts to look and feel like fall earlier in the BER months. With a cold front set to push through tomorrow that's predicting wind gusts in the 35-40 mph range, it sounds like I'll need to call out my yard guy to deal with the leaves at least one more time before Christmas. I ho-ho-hope any cold fronts arriving this month finish denuding the branches so I can keep the back porch, pool and dog yard looking presentable for holiday entertaining.

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