Sunday, February 18, 2024

Transporter: Momma hits the road again

I don't mind cold or mild weather, because anything beats the heat. Sweaters and scarves are always preferred to tank tops at my age. What I do mind this time of year in Texas is the wildly fluctuating temperatures that plague us. Today the high is 43 after a cold front blew through overnight. By mid-week, we'll be topping out in the low 80s. This is why I keep a pair of flip flops on my shoe shelves all year instead of rotating them in and out with the rest of my seasonal footwear. If it's not currently warm enough for flip flops, just wait a few days.

Earlier in the week I noticed steam rising off the pool on a cold morning after a day of full sun. Our silly little terriers always seem invigorated by the colder temps. It's pretty common to see them racing around on our crunchy frost laden grass when the temps are more bracing. 

With the purchase of our law student's sporty new Lincoln Corsair SUV Monday afternoon, I made my second road trip to Dallas in as many weeks to deliver it to her. We hadn't planned to get her something new until the summer when she's interning at a local company's legal department. However, our niece's car died recently and she needed some sort of transportation. Therefore, we did the car shuffle so that both girls have a reliable auto. I'm a firm believer in blessing others because the Lord has blessed our family in so many ways. Luke 12:48 tells us, "... From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted much, much more will be asked." In helping our niece by giving her our daughter's car, we are called to be a blessing for those whom God has placed in our lives. 

I couldn't resist snapping this quick pic as I was zipping along I-35 to get back home, the exit sign for Holland and Florence. In both instances, they're just wide spots in the road. However, the signage made me feel like I was exiting to a whole other country and should have brought along my passport. The funniest part of that is I'm actually traveling to Holland to visit a friend in a few weeks and actually DO need to have the husband open our safe where we keep important family documents to retrieve my passport.


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