Saturday, August 3, 2024

Did you hear that?!

Our frightfully infuriating Finn, the cairn terrier, has been trying our patience the last week. Several nights he woke us up from a sound sleep in the 1:30-2:30 am window because he's convinced there's a trespassing critter in the yard. This in turn riles up our older cairn Pepper to hop out of her doggy bed and have a look. Then she decides to growl and bark in solidarity at what the little idiot THINKS he sees.

I've peered out the same set of french doors in our master bedroom where the dogs have gathered and can't see doodly squat. No deer, possums, skunks, raccoons or armadillos tripping the light fantastic through our side yard or back porch. Neither a lizard or gecko slinking around, nor a big ol' brown june bug flying face first into the glass. I may or may not have gone all Mommie Dearest on Finn at 2 am while wielding a plastic coat hanger and threatening to shut him up in his doggy kennel in the garage if he didn't settle down and go back to sleep. 

He just looks so innocent and cute, y'all. It's really hard to stay mad at the little toot since he's 15 months old. And yet this middle of the night guard dog routine has to be squelched. Poor little man is so tired from his nighttime guard duties that he gets the yawns and needs a few naps during the day. 

Starting tonight, we'll be closing all of the shades in the bedroom to try and keep him calm and worry free if a local critter dares to shuffle through our property. It would be nice to get back to a solid night's sleep after dealing with his recent nocturnal shenanigans.


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