Saturday, July 14, 2018

Fur baby

My mother-in-law Rose said after she retired from teaching that she'd get a cute little dog to keep her and my father-in-law company once they got old. We've finally decided at ages 81 and 82 that the day has come. So the older daughter going to grad school in NC found them a yorkiepoo puppy breeder in the Charlotte area. Right now the little guy is about 2.5 lbs, but is predicted to max out at 5-7 lbs when grown. Rose named him Brutus. Our daughter has to keep Brutus one month until she flies home for the summer/fall semester break to hand him off to her grandparents. 

I've enjoyed the puppy drama from afar. Suffice it to say that she's not ready to handle her own puppy, let alone a baby, anytime soon. He follows her around, wanting her to play. He wants all of her attention. He cries when she puts him in his crate to sleep. He likes to try and chew on her flip flops. She's always cleaning up after him. 

He's a cutie pie, but she'll be more than happy to hand off the little time and attention drain to the grandparents ASAP so she can get back to focusing on school.

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