Monday, March 2, 2020

Germs Schmerms

Based on a couple aisles at the Walmart today when I was making a quick trip, it seems folks have missed the DON'T PANIC stage and gone straight to cleaning out the shelves of bleach wipes and gallon tubs of antibacterial handsoap. 

It was either the yuppies or lazy folks that cleaned out the wipes. Because seriously, right next to this section was row upon row of undiluted bleach in every size and smell imaginable. The good disinfecting stuff that eats the skin off your hands and melts your nose hairs, what you really want if you're trying to kill off the germs from a highly communicable virus.

Last month, thanks to our Egypt and Jordan trip, the older daughter and I flew on ten airplanes. It was the stuff of a germaphobe's nightmare. We wiped down all of the plastic surfaces we touched with antibacterial wipes and used hand sanitizer very liberally. And yet we were surrounded by folks of varying nationalities - including China - so maybe it was all for naught. Maybe we've already been infected with the coronavirus and didn't show any real symptoms. Daughter A picked up a minor cold during the last week of our trip. I was never affected... but I was popping Airborne the whole time. I swear by that stuff to help keep the sniffles at bay and carry it on most trips. 

So who knows. I believe the CDC and WHO when they tell us it's just a matter of time before it spreads. Not IF, but WHEN. So sure, we've got lots of staples in the pantry and freezer to get us through if we need to self-quarantine to avoid any serious outbreaks. When you have parents who are older, with compromised lungs due to smoking, then you have to be prepared to help them, too.

But seriously, cars kill well over a million folks every year around the globe and yet I ride/drive a car pretty much every day of my life. As with all risks, you just do the best you can. Stay in your lane. Wear your seatbelt. Wash your hands before you eat or drink. Try not to touch your face. Refrain from licking doorknobs. Hopefully this bug will pass and we'll soon be back to the insanity that is presidential year election politics taking up all of our newsfeed.

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