Saturday, January 9, 2021

Colonoscopy diet

I started my mammograms on schedule at 40. Not so with the colonoscopies at 50. Because seriously, who wants a camera run up their bum. It's a complete loss of all dignity and control, but that's generally how it goes with so many medical procedures. About three years after I should have started with my first baseline colon check, I'm finally getting around to it on Monday at the *butt* crack of dawn. Sorry, couldn't resist.

So this weekend I'm on a liquid diet. YUM... all the broth and flavored water I can consume. Maybe I'll lose an extra pound this week. I've successfully shed my 'rona weight and have been chipping away at my usual bulk. At my age, you can't lose too much because then you risk looking like your husband's mother. It's a Catch-22 situation... the fuller face as a side effect of having thick thighs. You can only ride the having kids excuse for so long since our girls are both in their 20s. Or the lower weight and wrinkled up face/neck that goes along with it. Take your pick. Just another fun consequence of the aging process, which isn't for the faint-hearted. And yet it beats the alternative of being dead. I've still got things to see and do, so I thank God every day for waking me up to the blessing of another day with my family and chance to learn more from His word.

The older daughter and her chorkie were with us for several days this week since she had to be in town for physical inventory counting at her client's location. I imagine junior newbie auditors get these sorts of assignments. I love the pics of the chorkie I get on my phone from the automated gate system that takes photos of everyone who uses the code to access our property. 

The chorkie always makes himself at home on somebody's lap. The husband is a favorite since he spends a lot of time in his recliner at evenings and weekends. Meanwhile, our two terriers like to cuddle up on or under me when I'm chillin' on our bed reading my Kindle. Rotten much?!

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