Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Hibernating 2.21

Hard to believe it's only our third day with snow on the ground, because I'd swear we've been trapped in this house for a solid month. Thankfully, we've had water and electricity the entire time. Lots of folks here in Texas haven't been so lucky. Between rolling blackouts and frozen or burst water pipes, we're truly counting our blessings in this rare winter storm. This is the third incidence in the past several years when we've witnessed panic shopping... hurricanes, pandemic and arctic blast. Yet again, my OCD plan ahead tendencies served me well since I heeded the storm warnings and stocked the pantry late last week so we'd have plenty of fixin's for meals to tide us over into warmer temps. You won't see me filmed for the 6 o'clock news in line at our local grocery store waiting in the cold for hours to get in the door. Or wrestling some woman for a pound of ground round in the meat market.

I've been cooking stuff like soup, chili and casseroles. I'm also whipping up things like chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies from scratch, as if we're a bunch of lumberjacks burning thousands of calories every day instead of working from home in front of a laptop or sitting around reading a book.


Meanwhile, the dogs have seemed to enjoy the addition of snow to their fenced backyard. They snuffle and romp in the fun fluffy stuff, then come back in for a session with the blowdryer to get warmed up. A Christmas sweater was wrestled onto a very uncooperative chorkie, who then spent a lot of energy trying to get it off. Which was highly entertaining, at least to the humans.

Alas, I'm wondering if my fountain will survive the polar plunge we've taken this week. I'm sure we'll have to replace the pump. I'm just hoping the fountain itself hasn't cracked in this extreme cold.

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