Saturday, May 18, 2024

Daddy got a new ride

Thus far this year we've been doing our best to support the automobile industry. In January I received the new SUV we ordered back in the fall. Then the husband sold his leaking, rough riding Jeep to replace it with a 4Runner a couple weeks later. In February we gave the younger daughter's vehicle to our niece when her car broke down, and got our girl a snazzy little SUV that we initially tried to buy her when she finished her undergrad degree last year. And finally, the husband gave his truck to the other nephew when he purchased a new one that is better able to pull our trailers, as well as the camper the husband thinks we might need after he retires. You know, hitting the road to explore America with our dogs in tow like so many blue hairs have done before us. I must admit the husband's new truck is sturdy, yet has all of the plush comforts that make for a smooth ride. 

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