Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dog sitting the grandchorkie

Our CPA daughter and her fiance headed out to his home state of Pennsylvania for a family friend's retirement party, followed by a detour down to DC afterwards to visit a couple of his groomsmen. Since they'll be gone for about ten days, our furry grand dog came to stay with us. If these two relocate to Tennessee or the Carolinas after they're married like they keep threatening, they're going to miss out on the convenience of free dog sitting. Heck, I even drive and meet her halfway to pick up their snarky little fur baby. Talk about service. Not to mention the help we'd provide them with future grandkids when they'd like a break from the little darlings.

Since the grandchorkie can get around virtually any freestanding baby gate, we recently opted for a compression gate to keep him from dashing upstairs any time the mood strikes. Since he taught this trick to our younger cairn Finn, it was absolutely necessary with the law school daughter home with us for her interning gig most of the summer. Her bedroom is upstairs. It's nice that I no longer have to worry about the doggos sneaking up the stairs anymore, and particularly the chance they might fall down them since our older girl cairn has bounced down them a time or two when she lost her footing. About scared me to death, y'all!

As you can see, the grandchorkie makes himself right at home in the husband's lap. All three of the dogs spent a big chunk of time outside at the pool pavilion through lunch time, where the husband was smoking ribs and chicken for us. Our younger daughter and niece enjoyed a dip in the pool, but the dogs weren't tempted to cool off in the water with them. With the heat index at 105 right now, I'm waiting until the sun dips low on the horizon to go out and perform my daily poop pick up. Oh the joys of dog ownership.

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