Sunday, January 19, 2025

Old man winter is roaring

I'm getting some exercise in the new year, lugging my succulents back and forth from the pool pavilion to the garage to keep our on-and-off freezing temperatures from killing them. With more arctic air arriving overnight, the dogs decided to be my snuggle buddies. The wind was blowing so fiercely that I had to remove my sweet little snowmen from the front door to keep them from chipping up the finish. 

My favorite thing to do when it's bitterly cold is use the hair dryer to warm up our flannel sheets before bedtime. The husband and dogs seem to sincerely appreciate my efforts to make the bed toasty warm. And y'all know cold weather means it's time for more soup. Tomorrow I'll be defrosting one of the tubs of chicken noodle soup I made last month and froze, adding some grilled cheese sandwiches to it for supper. I'm not doing any serious cooking since we're headed out of town in a few days. I pray everyone stays warm out there, and maybe try that hair dryer trick on your sheets, too!

1 comment:

  1. We had chicken soup for lunch today that I'd made last week. One of my favorites! We also have plants moved indoors here and my hubs babies them through the winter. Normally our winter is pretty mild but it's been a cold one this year. We have a lemon tree and he bought a grow light and it is thriving! Stay warm and hopefully the power stays on.
