If the CPA daughter's chorkie wasn't a leg hiker, we'd actually miss him a lot more after his visits! He and our younger cairn Finn have become frenemies as Finn has matured from puppyhood. They're definitely backyard buddies now anytime chorkie comes to stay when his parents are traveling.
Per snaps the older daughter sends me, the chorkie's favorite place at his parent's house is the same place where he lounges when he's staying with us. Thankfully it's the husband in his recliner that's chorkie's favorite lap when he's here visiting. I honestly think chorkie enjoys spending a bit of time here at our country estate, a respite from his big city digs, lol. Chorkie can be a bit of a snark, but he's smart enough to seek out a nice and cozy blanket covered lap to lounge on chilly evenings no matter where he's residing.
That classic, "The Wizard of Oz", was televised recently and our own doggos got a charge out of it. Finn in particular paid rapt attention when he spied everybody's favorite cairn terrier Toto on screen. Our sweet Pepper truly is Toto's kinda pudgy screen double.
In the meantime, our younger law student daughter is readjusting to dealing with a cat. Her med school boyfriend J has a furry tabby child named Molly that has slowly warmed up to our daughter since she and J started dating. I enjoy hearing about the cat's antics whenever she's over visiting at J's apartment.
Happy new year! Grown kids add a lot of pets to our lives, that's for certain. Hope you're doing well!