Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Marriage milestone

A couple days ago, the husband's parents celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary. With almost 50% of marriages ending in divorce, this is an amazing accomplishment. Many marriages won't reach this milestone for a rather sad reason, that one or both of the partners dies. And this is usually tied to the fact that they didn't marry when they were younger. These two kids seen in the sweet pic below have been blessed with perseverance AND good health.

Nena and Poppy (as our daughters call them) married at the tender ages of 17 and 18. She had just graduated from high school and he had finished the year before her. It's something that's hard to fathom these days, though I'm sure it was much more common in the 1950s when they tied the knot. I got married at 25, and our older daughter will be 29 when she says I do this fall. That almost seems too young to me, but I guess that's probably just my age showing.

As the wedding verse from Matthew 19:6 used in marriage services admonishes us, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." When the Lord brings two people together to share their lives and put Him as their foundation, He blesses the union. That's why I've been praying for years for our Heavenly Father to send our girls their godly husband in His perfect timing. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, one that Nena and Poppy leaned into with a wealth of love and patience. Not giving up when the going got tough, but rather digging in and making that effort with the one God sent you. Forget Mr. Right Now and pray for guidance while you're waiting on Mr. Right. The Lord will send along your husband when you wait on His provision, just like He did for these two. Sometimes you meet him in elementary school. Sometimes it's after graduate degrees.

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