Monday, September 30, 2024

So long, September

How is it the last day of September? I long for fall all year, and then it goes by way too quickly. These next three months will be littered with all sorts of fun things, not the least of which is our older daughter's wedding. Before that, we've got little trips planned to Dallas to visit the younger daughter. The husband and I are also heading to a new lake in northeast Texas to check out the possibility of it being another retirement option. Then we'll be flying to a resort in Colorado for the husband's annual board meeting and strategic planning retreat that includes spouses. We're keeping the road hot, as my granny used to say.

Per social media, last week was national daughter's day and I missed it. Since I neglected showing them off on the socials, I'm posting a couple recent pics of our sweet lovelies here in the blogosphere. I'm still not sure how two very average looking folks like me and the husband created such pretty girls, but there ya go. These pics were taken of our very own Lucy and Ethel when they were in Miami for the older daughter's bachelorette weekend recently. Y'all know I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for all the drinking festivities. Fun was had by the bridal party, no arrests were made, and they all traveled home in one piece. 


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