Sunday, March 21, 2021

March this and that

This weekend we took my mother to the lake so she could meet up there with one of her oldest friends to enjoy a nice visit. While we were there, we took the boat out for the first time since it got tuned up at the dealership. The husband also charged our jet ski batteries to get them ready for the season. I decided to go ahead and hang up my new college flag on the dock and let it wave in the breeze. The wind always seems to be blowing at the lake. We were blessed with some gorgeous weather, and noticed that many of the second home owners around us are starting to show up once again on weekends.

While we were on the back patio that first afternoon, I spied a big old water bird chilling on the lot across the canal from us. Last year some geese and ducks had nests and hatched babies on this lot. This year the lot's owner is building a home, and so I don't think it will be used for nesting anymore.

Mother's childhood friend still lives in the teeny tiny little town of Sour Lake where they grew up. I recently discovered that Sour Lake, located in Hardin County, has been featured several times on episodes of a TV program called "Lone Star Law". I've even spied the dad of my old high school friend when I was watching it one day - the guy in the baseball cap with the moustache in the video clip below. They filmed part of one episode at the football stadium of our old alma mater, Hardin Jefferson. It's so wild to see this wide spot in the road, one stop light town on television.

While we were at the lake, my niece came over to house and dog sit for us. Our old terrier boy Ollie continues to think my side of the bed and pillow is his. 

When we're up at the lake house, he likes to get away from Pepper and Chorkie by crawling underneath the master bed for a little snooze time. In the pic below, you can see his feet, back end and tail sticking out from beneath the bed.

The college coed daughter facetimed yesterday to let us know she's back at Clemson University. She, her roomies and a couple friends spent their week of spring break in Florida on the beach. They had a good time, but are glad to get back to classes to finish out this semester. In just six short weeks, I'll be flying up there to ride in the shotgun seat to roadtrip her car back to Texas for the summer. We'll be Thelma and Louise out on the open road, probably stopping in New Orleans for some seafood and beignets. Not sending the car off the side of a cliff... hopefully!

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