Sunday, July 23, 2023

Little man Finn

I took Finn to the vet a few days ago for his three month puppy check up. After collecting his morning poop as requested, I got a text yesterday it's free of parasites. That was a serious concern because Finn has a bad habit of eating bugs, both dead and alive, that he finds on the back patio or in the yard. Crickets, june bugs and roly polys are his favorites. I live in fear he'll try to scarf up a wasp or scorpion. And so I've scheduled our local pest control company to come spray the interior and exterior every month through Christmas. Hopefully by the new year, Finn will have matured enough and developed more sophisticated taste buds so he'll leave the bugs alone.

Finn is up to a healthy five pounds and was a very good boy for his visit to the vet. He protested a little when he got his shot and was obviously a bit sore the rest of the day. I also noticed he napped more than usual. By the next morning, however, he was back to his usual rip roaring self. Once he gets his four month shots in August, he'll be able to start training on the walking trail down by the creek in town. He's doing pretty well on the leash in our yard, but I want to start with his public socialization skills as soon as it's safe to do so.

Because of his size, I accompany Finn in the yard at all times. If you listen closely in the video below, you'll hear our local hawk squawking in the background. We're only on five acres, but it appears we're the lucky ones to have them nest on our property. I imagine Finn looks like a plump white bunny rabbit from the hawk's perspective as he hops across the grass in our yard. And so I'll be on guard duty until our sweet little doggo has grown big enough that a hawk can't swoop down and steal him away.

This weekend I loaded up a couple of our old shoddy dog beds that have seen better days to send to the landfill. I'm replacing them with some new ones to have around the house for them to accompany me and chill out while I'm in my office working, or making a meal in the kitchen. Thankfully, Pepper still doesn't seem to mind when Finn joins her.

I don't know that Pepper's as keen on sharing her toys sometimes, particularly when she's fetching and he tries to "help" her. It's hilarious to watch. Finn still turns on his back sometimes that mimics how our CPA daughter's Chorkie sleeps when he's very relaxed. Chorkie will be coming to stay with us for about ten days while our daughter is traveling, and so I'm hoping they all get along. And when I say they, I'm really just talking about Chorkie minding his P's and Q's with Pepper and Finn while he's here, keeping his teeth baring at them and leg hiking on my furniture to a minimum.

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