Friday, September 8, 2023

My own wreath buffet

With the calendar turning to September, I decided it was time to put up my fall decor. That included hanging these pretty wreaths on my double front doors that I found on the Ashley Nichole website. It's the same place where I got my Uncle Sam for the front gate, as well as the Santas I'll be hanging in a few months. You should check out their website because there are tons of seasonal options, all very reasonably priced. But I digress.

After a couple days, I opened the front door to retrieve a delivered package off the porch and discovered a couple pieces of decorative grass had come loose and were on the pumpkin doormat. I put it back in place and didn't think much of it. Then the following day one of the orange mums was on the mat.

Sherlock Holmes wasn't required to uncover the wreath dismantling culprit's identity. They conveniently left several of their calling cards so there was evidence aplenty in the front yard.

On any given day, there are whitetail and axis deer roaming our neighborhood. The whitetail are definitely browsers. While axis prefer to feed on grass, in our current drought conditions they will also browse like whitetail. The husband was my source on deer eating habits, by the way. And so I'm sure they're the wreath dismantlers. Thankfully it hasn't happened again. I attribute this to our recently installed Ring camera that lights up and makes a noise since it's situated adjacent to the wreaths. Though honestly, the deer in our yard aren't phased by much. I bring our pups out on leash with a big rechargeable spotlight the husband bought me - gotta keep an eye out for snakes and those awful centipedes in the grass - and the deer don't blink an eye. Seriously. Especially the does and their fawns/yearlings. They just stare and are totally unconcerned despite Pepper or Finn straining on the leash to get to them. I console myself with the thought that my suspected wreath robbers might be on someone's menu once hunting season starts.


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