Friday, September 1, 2023

Tales from puppyhood

With Finn's last puppy shots recently, we were finally able to start hitting the local walking trails along the creek that runs through town. We want to be sure he's well socialized and comfortable on his leash in public. It was his first experience in a halter, and after some initial wrangling he decided it wasn't so bad. Once we get home from his walking adventures, he's whooped and flops on his bed for a nap. Poor little fella is so tired he pays no never mind to his head hanging off it.

Since Finn has very limited experience riding in a car, I bought him a doggy booster seat so he can sit shotgun with me to the trail. Oh sure, he's still fidgety and a bit whiny, but that's to be expected. I'm waiting for him to begin associating his morning car rides with the walks he seems to enjoy so he'll actually be excited about it and quit complaining.

Speaking of complaining, that's what Finn does when it rolls around to feeding time in the morning and afternoon. Like our good old boy Ollie, Finn has an excellent internal clock that lets me know it's time for his chow. His usual MO is to stare and yip at me, so there's no mistaking he's telling me to get a move on. Sure enough, I check my watch and it's always right on time for his breakfast or dinner. Maybe it's a boy dog thing because our Pepper girl never makes a sound. 

Pepper and Finn's antics continue to keep me entertained. It's obvious they have a good time as housemates and partners in crime. They continue to enjoy several rounds of tussles throughout the day. Seldom does one go anywhere without the other. It's really cute how they've bonded, with Pepper taking over the role as older auntie dog for Finn.


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