Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Galas are a family affair

With the law school daughter in town for her 1L summer internship, we were able to include her when we attended a gala last month for the University Health System. The husband has been a foundation board member with them for several years now. It's always a wonderful evening that honors what the hospital accomplishes for some of the most needy in our local community.

This year we made ourselves presentable to hear about the hospital's life-saving response that focused on an elementary student who was seriously wounded in the Uvalde school shooting two years ago. This brave student and her entire family were in attendance and we got to learn about her life changing experience. It's a good thing there were packages of tissues placed on each table, because it was a touching tribute to their strength and faith. The medical professionals who rallied around this girl to help save her life were all seated at the table next to us, doctors, nurses, therapists and even the first responders who stabilized her for the ride to the hospital. What a blessing they all were to this family in their time of need.

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