Monday, September 9, 2019

Dogs, coons and football

I love our terriers, Ollie and Pepper. Mother's pugs, Max and Ruby, are pretty endearing and entertaining, too. They'll turn 11 this fall and definitely old timers in puggy years. When your head starts feeling too heavy, you just find a convenient piece of furniture where you can prop it. Doesn't matter if it's patio furniture.

Our Ring camera system we had installed last year has proven to be really enlightening. In addition to watching for thieves and ne'er do wells that might decide to lurk around the house, I've spied all sorts of wildlife. But the one thing that has been a constant are the raccoons. After it was initially set up, I would get notifications of the camera filming these two adult raccoons when they traveled across our property. Maybe not every day, but certainly several times a week. Then in the late spring, it dropped to just the one raccoon and she showed up with her three kits on the camera. As we moved into summer, I enjoyed watching the babies follow along with momma raccoon and grow before my eyes. So stinking cute with their little ring tails and eye masks. As our annual drought struck, I began to worry about them and have intermittently put out some cheap cat food. Which they loved. And weren't they cute eating it with their little human-like paws.

On a recent feeding, I was shocked to discover that word must have spread in our hood because I counted seven raccoons enjoying the last of my cat food. Now that the babies are pretty much the same size as the momma, my days of feeding them are over. Especially since I don't want our yard to become a haven for every raccoon in the zip code.

Over the weekend, the husband and I watched two big games, A&M at Clemson and LSU at Univ of Texas. Both games looked HOT, as in the fans were sweltering. This is why I never plan to attend a game in the south in September because the temps are still waaaaay too close to the triple digit mark for me. Since the husband hates crowds, in general, we're all about armchair quarterbacking. We're saving our trips to the Clemson and UT stadium for November games this year, hoping we're not still wearing shorts and flip flops by then.

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