Saturday, May 22, 2021

You blink and then it's late May

I know I'm a broken record on this, but time seriously flies by the older I get. Once I hit 50, it went from a slow jog to a sprint. By the time I round the base to social security, I'm afraid I'll be feeling as if I've been strapped to the hull of a space craft as time whips by at warp speed. I'd swear we were just celebrating Christmas a month or so ago. Unfortunately, our recent warm temperatures are a wake-up call that the summer meltdown is just around the corner. I'm praying our largest and oldest AC unit in the main house makes it through another Texas scorcher of a summer and doesn't keel over in defeat like the one out in the guest house recently did.

The dogs continue to be a source of entertainment. The older daughter's chorkie is so cute when he sleeps. Like he wouldn't bite off a finger if you dared to pet him while he's napping. Seriously. He'll draw blood if you don't wake him up gently, kinda like a surly teenager who isn't ready to be disturbed from slumber.

Our cairn girl Pepper is enjoying the extra attention she gets from our college coed who is home for the summer to take a couple online classes and work on her tan at the lake house. Both of our cairn terriers have really perfected the art of perching on their backsides like meerkats.

The college coed continues to enjoy baking and whipped up a delicious scratchmade carrot cake for us with a new recipe she found. She never has to ask twice when she's looking for someone to lick the bowl or taste test her latest creation. She is undoubtedly her great granny Doris' granddaughter in sooooo many ways!

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