Thursday, May 7, 2020

Oar project

I don't know about y'all, but I never realized how much beach stuff there is out there on the market. It easily eclipses the lake. But I've decided there is crossover with decor, so have pulled a couple color palettes I'm picking and choosing from to decorate the lake house.

My three main colors are white, a sandy beige/light taupe color, and navy blue. My secondary colors are marine blue and red. I quickly discovered there's a fine line between nautical and our place looking as if it's decorated for the 4th of July all year. 

Tomorrow the younger daughter and I are getting started on our oar project. I saw the painted oars as decor on a multitude of websites and Pinterest pages and decided that I really like the look for one of the bedrooms. It will involve using the hand sander and then trekking to our local home improvement store for paint, brushes and lacquer.

I couldn't find exactly what I wanted in terms of oar color design while searching options online to purchase outright, at least in something that's less than $100 for three coordinating oars. So I now have three plain oars in the garage that are ready to be customized with our lake house colors for the upstairs guest room. 

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