Monday, June 27, 2022

Are we done yet?!

Lord have mercy, y'all - I'm so very ready for the river house updating to be finished. I can hardly wait to drive up there and just enjoy it instead of having to work, work, work. Saturday the husband and I spent a solid nine hours schlepping our boxed lake stuff and new furniture from the garage into the house, rearranging rooms, doing final purges of the old owner's things and setting up the kitchen. 

The elk was taken down as star of the show in the cabana with the rest of the taxidermied lineup, and now has pride of place over the fireplace in the river house living room. We unboxed our new nightstands for the master, and I did a pretty good job of matching some I found online to the style of the massive armoire in there that we inherited.

A good friend of the husband's bought a pretty 19th century British train station bench at an auction in the spring. Since they were unable to find a good place for it in their home, we were the lucky recipients of the bench that's about ten feet long. I needed some extra seating in the living room, and had the perfect spot for it snugged up against the partial wall that leads to the landing.

My decorator has been out of town, missing all of the sweaty grunt work at the river house. She flies home tomorrow, so we'll be busy decorating together on Wednesday and Thursday. I stacked most of my decor on the dining table and hutch to get it all in one central location so it wouldn't be in the way of the cleaners. Plus the decorator needs to see all of her options amassed in a single area. 

Earlier this month, my husband's parents celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. Then this weekend my mother-in-law turned 85. Since the husband and I were consumed with river house work to get it ready in time to host his side of the family for the 4th of July, our girls spent the day with them. The girls brought her flowers and donuts for breakfast, plus they took them out to lunch. They're pretty good granddaughters!

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