Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Fumble bumbling around

Back in the day, I always had pretty good coordination. I was a middle school twirler and member of color guard in high school. I could C&W dance with the best of them in my 20s. For some reason, I've become less and less sure footed as the aging process has occurred. May I present to you the following photographic evidence of me needing to either A) wear a suit of armor, or B) invest in bubble wrap to provide needed cushioning. 

Thus far my list of boo-boos includes slipping down on the one day it rained in the past month and skinning my knee. Misjudging the rock ledge in the river and scraping my knee. Slamming this same abused knee into the coffee table at the river house while working to decorate it and having blood running down my leg. Jamming my toe on a rock in the river and breaking it. Getting a big bruise on my arm and having no idea how I acquired it during the move-in process at the river. You've been spared a look at my pinky toe because I neglected to take a pic of the damage. It got sprained and also turned purple when I was unboxing lake decor in the river house garage several weeks ago.

I may need to locate mother's walkers we stored in the workshop to give myself a buffer zone of protection to help ward off running into stuff. Tripping over things. Misjudging distances. Good thing I take vitamin D daily to help protect my bones.


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