Sunday, August 14, 2022

Baby bird left the nest again

It's that time of summer. The younger daughter packed up her little SUV and drove back to Austin so she can prep for her senior year at UT. She wrapped up her Italian this week and said arrivederci to the language requirement for her BA with twelve hours of As from summer school classes under her belt. Now she's focused on getting her apartment all decorated to her liking before classes kick in on the 22nd. I'm always sad to see her go because I really enjoy her company. But my loneliness will be short-lived since I'm driving to Austin with some of her things (which is actually OUR glassware from the river house) in a couple days, and taking her bar stool shopping to get some seating for her kitchen island.

I've been diligently watering the three pallets of St Augustine grass every couple days so it doesn't wither up in this drought. Thankfully, we've had a bit of rain several days this week to help me out. When I'm watering early in the morning, the sprinklers always seem to beckon local birds. They tweet and twitter, busy flitting around to get a drink and bath. Alas, it also attracts a couple local hawks. I've spied them in our yard previously, and they're not particularly scared of humans. And thus the sprinkler that lures in the cute little birds is basically a dinner bell for critters higher up the food chain. Hopefully the sprinklers don't start attracting any local coyotes or bobcats!

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