Friday, February 16, 2024

Let's rodeo, San Antonio

Our younger daughter took a break from her law books to visit us and attend rodeo recently. She invited one of her friends to join her, and so I got to tag along as designated driver in case they wanted to enjoy a drink or two. As usual, I was eagerly anticipating the fun of mutton bustin'. Then I got a death grip on my seat and may have covered my eyes a time or two during the bull riding. It makes me oh-so-anxious as the cowboys get tossed around in a teeth rattling ride.

I couldn't help but notice how these professional rodeo folks are getting younger and younger every year. Because it can't be me aging, right?! Sure enough, there was a young man who hailed from Winnie in Southeast Texas, the area where I grew up. He was all of 20 years old, y'all. I was immediately all awwww, he's just a baby. But then he climbed up on the back of that bucking bull and held on for eight seconds. 


The entertainer for the evening was Brad Paisley. I was surprised at how many of his songs I did NOT know when they started playing. And speaking of playing, the man really ripped up on his guitar in a most impressive way. I was happy to sing along to "Mud on the Tires" at the end of his set, a personal favorite. Next in our annual rodeo lineup is old school Clint Black. Since he was top of the charts during my 20s boot scooting days, I'll be singing along to all of these country oldies I fondly recall.


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