Saturday, February 3, 2024

Sweet galentines celebration

Since the husband committed to a hunting trip all weekend with his work buddies, I found myself free to spend the morning with our Chicktime girls. If you aren't familiar with Chicktime, it's a grass roots movement to support and encourage young women in our communities through a network of dedicated ladies who raise awareness for local women and children's charities. Our Chicktime chapter has put their focus on a local group home that houses girls with emotional and mental challenges who have been removed from abusive family situations. It's such a wonderful opportunity because we are the fun aunts or big sisters that come in to lead activities and fellowship with these girls.

I told the leaders I'd be happy to handle the galentine themed snack charcuterie we'd be serving the girls, and so I had a fun time looking at cute ideas online before making a list and heading out to shop. It was quick work to set it up, and the girls dove in to enjoy. They ate their way through two full jars of mini dill pickles, y'all. Some things never change with the tastebuds of the tween and teen crowd. I bought a couple little heart shaped cookie cutters and went to town cutting out turkey, two different cheeses and cucumbers. I threw in some valentine ring pops at the last minute even though I was afraid they might seem a bit juvenile, but those were another big hit on the table. 

Once I got home, I immediately started thinking about decorations and activities for the Fiesta themed April event I'm set to host for Chicktime. Wouldn't a nacho bar be fun?! I've still got almost two months to ponder and make purchases. It takes time and effort, and yet I love hanging out with these sweet young ladies who have gotten off to a rough start in life. It was no coincidence that this week in BSF we were studying John 14 where Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, an eternally relevant object lesson in how He dignified sacrifice and service to others. I believe we often lose sight of God's great command to us, that we love others. They don't have to be the same ethnicity, tax bracket or political party for us to show our love in real and tangible ways. As I read in Warren Wiersbe's commentary this week, "We must put God's truth into practice. The blessing comes in the doing of God's Word, not just the hearing." I pray in this month of valentine's day, you have an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to love on someone who is in need, just as Jesus modeled for us a couple millennia ago.


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