Thursday, July 4, 2024

Let freedom ring

Yesterday felt like a Friday afternoon. Or maybe the day before Thanksgiving. So I woke up this morning thinking it's the weekend since the husband is home. Middle-aged mind tricks, y'all. Our law school daughter will be leaving for the airport shortly, flying to meet her CPA sister and the fiance in Nashville for the long holiday weekend. That means the husband and I are on Chorkie patrol again until late Sunday.

I braved quite a bit of road construction to pick up the granddog Tuesday. Texas is famous for years long road projects since we can't ever seem to stay on top of growth and the necessary repairs to thousands upon thousands of miles of highways running through the state. Upside to sitting in standstills is that I can check my phone and fiddle with my playlists.

Our little man Finn is always oh-so-happy to see his snarky frenemy Chorkie, who promptly made himself at home marking all over our patio and backyard. As in no porch post, backdoor mat or pool umbrella will remain pee-free while Chorkie is in residence at Nan & Da's Pet Resort. It's his thing.

This week we've spied some of our local armadillos rooting around in the side yard. Finn goes crazy trying to get at them, but more mature Pepper and Chorkie aren't too terribly interested. Oh sure, they all give it a bark. However, the dillo remains completely unfazed by the hubbub and just goes about his root and scoot business.

The husband and I may go see a movie to keep cool on this 4th of July since we're back to empty nesting for several days. I have zero interest in doing anything that forces me to be more than passably presentable in this heat, as evidenced below. I love how easy it is these days to go online to book us a couple recliners at our local theater to see that new Costner western we've seen advertised. As long as I can kick back to enjoy some buttered popcorn and a crisp Diet Dr Pepper, I'm happy as a clam.

I hope all of you enjoy a fun and safe celebration with your family and friends on this 248th anniversary of our country's founding. Stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and thank the Good Lord that we're blessed to live in a country where we acknowledge that all people are created equal, "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." May God bless America, today and always! 


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