Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Texas to Tennessee?

The older daughter and her fiance have started thinking about where to settle to start a family in the next couple years. We're glad they're considering the south/southeast instead of going too far afield. For the long holiday weekend, they trekked to Tennessee to take a look at one of their top contenders, Nashville. They invited the younger daughter to join them since she had never visited.

Honestly, it's a whole lot like their current city of Austin with the live music venues, good restaurants, and younger vibe. One big upside, in their opinion, is that Tennessee has the added bonus of four seasons. And who can argue with that if you've sweltered through the six months of summer we get in Texas every year?! Though summertime can get hot in the volunteer state, they enjoy a more distinct fall season. Here in Texas, we're often still wearing shorts and flip flops in November. 

Alas, we'll just have to hang on and see where these two settle so we can make a plan that allows us to see them on a regular basis, along with any future grandkids. Once the husband retires, all bets are off on where we'll live, in addition to any secondary homes we may need. The one thing I do know is that our primary residence needs lake or mountain views from the back porch. That's my idea of heaven, enjoying the beauty of God's creation over a cup of English breakfast tea while watching the sun rise on a cool fall morning as our Creator paints the scenery in golds, oranges and reds.

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