Sunday, August 11, 2024

Keeping the chompers lined up

Oh my, y'all, orthodontia has made a leap into the 21st century, and I had no idea. I've worn braces twice in my life to get my teeth straightened, once as a teenager and then again in my early 40s. Both times, I had to go through the messiness of having molds made of my teeth so I could get retainers. With my teeth starting to shift again, I recently made the decision to see the new orthodontist who bought out our old ortho's practice in order to get his professional opinion on a new set of retainers.

I was shocked to learn how this process has evolved over the past decade since I last had a retainer made. They started by creating a model of my top and bottom teeth using this wand looking camera attached to a computer. It took about twenty minutes of my time on a Wednesday morning. I then returned later that afternoon to pick up these nifty 3-D printed retainers for both my top and bottom teeth. Plus I got the printer generated molds of my teeth in case I need more retainers at some point. All of the teens and tweens I sat with in the waiting room had no idea how lucky they are to have this cool new option I just discovered.


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