Saturday, August 17, 2024

Merry hot-as-a-firecracker August

I expected the pumpkins to start appearing right after July 4th. That was no surprise. What always gets me is when the Christmas stuff begins to appear alongside it. I love Santa, but the jolly old stock folks need to slow their roll with the December offerings in these hot as hades days of summer. Like really, dude, as much as I adore the most wonderful time of the year, let's at least get Labor Day in the rearview mirror before we see snowmen and tree ornaments on the shelves.

With all of our local school districts back in session or about to kick off classes, this year one of the husband's team's recipients for their company's United Way fundraiser was children in need of supplies. So I hustled down to our neighborhood Walmart to buy all sorts of pencils, markers, crayons, glue sticks, etc. Back when I was still teaching, I'd get excited to see new school supply displays arrive in July. There's something about the hope and promise of fresh starts that brand spanking new school supplies represents that still zings my heartstrings.

Hard to believe, y'all, but they still require kids to get two of those big fat pink erasers. I didn't even realize they still made those things since the last time I had to purchase elementary school supplies for the youngest daughter was in 2011. As far as we've come in terms of technology, that just strikes me as incredibly old school as I tossed them in my cart and they landed next to the wireless headphones that are now found on most school supply lists. It seems that cliche saying about the more things change, the more they stay the same really rings true.


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