Monday, August 5, 2024

Rock painting with the Chicktime girls

I decided it was time to be more consistent and intentional with my volunteer efforts, so now my first Saturday of every month is spent at a local residential community for children who have been removed from their parents. It's an honor to collaborate with the three other Chicktime ladies who give their time to these girls that need a positive role model in their lives.


This month our activity was rock painting. I was honestly surprised at how much the girls enjoyed it, most of them intently focused on their artistic efforts. I swear just watching them paint the rocks was soothing. In addition to hosting a month's activity every spring, I'm the full-time snack lady. In keeping with the rock theme, I opted to bring the ingredients for them to assemble dirt cups. I even found chocolate candy that looks like rocks, which we all thought was pretty cool. This wasn't a particularly nutritious snack, with the layers of pudding, crushed sandwich cookies, chocolate rocks and gummy worms, but it was a lot of fun to create and enjoy. 


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