Sunday, September 8, 2024

A spot of fishing

This time when we visited Lake Palestine, we hired a fishing guide to take us out in his boat. A retired military and commercial pilot that turned his hobby into a golden years gig, he seemed to have a handle on all of the good fishin' holes. I've gotta admit, house spotting and landscape viewing from the water is always a lot more enjoyable when you're a passenger instead of driver. The husband and I knew there were several spots where we weren't stump savvy enough on this lake to take out a rental and risk busting the propeller. 

We definitely weren't the only ones out looking to do a spot of fishing that morning. Beneath the bridge, we spied what appeared to be a blue heron looking for his next meal. Not long after we dropped a line in the water, our younger daughter reeled in a catfish or two. We saw a couple in a vintage pontoon pull in a big ol' catfish, while some guy in a fancy fishing boat landed a beautiful bass. It was a refreshing change of pace from our time on Lake LBJ, where weekends meant lots of twits turned loose on jet skis. Plus wake boats everywhere stirring up the water. You can still do those things on this lake. We love that it's big enough to get away from all of the fast driving folks out for a thrill ride when we're just looking to enjoy a leisurely cruise.

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