Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Happy birthday twinsies weekend

Our older daughter was born on the husband's birthday, so every year it's a two-fer in our family. Since she's busy at work on a looming audit filing and she made plans all weekend with her friends/boyfriend, I either mailed her gifts or had them delivered. She really liked the floral arrangement I sent, and I've gotta admit they did a great job. 

The husband and I went up to the lake for about 24 hrs to address a couple maintenance items since we're staring down primetime entertaining season on the water, with our summer calendar filling up. The visit started out kinda gray, but had cleared up by sunset and so we enjoyed colorful cloud viewing from the back porch.

We took the four-legged beasts with us. They spent their lake time mooching for food, lounging on the furniture with us and barking at the neighbor's spaniels across the canal. Which annoys everybody until we shuffle them back inside, but there ya go. 

Too bad their guard dog efforts don't include scaring off my nemesis, the swallows. Last May a swallow pair built a messy nest up underneath our dock, adjacent to the grill. As soon as the babies fledged, I tore that sucker down and managed to scare them off with those shiny twirly things and a few holographic owls the rest of the summer. 

This year they're back and aren't fazed by last year's nesting deterrents. So now I've had to take a stronger approach to encourage them to build nests elsewhere. I'll have to take a pic of my efforts next time I'm up there and post it here, to let you know if it's working. This spring, I must admit they're pretty determined. And if it was just a nest, then I'd probably be fine with it. But it's the bird poop - yuck. On the dock. On the boat cover. On the table next to the grill. Now you can understand why swallows are public enemy #1 at the lake house as far as I'm concerned.

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