Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now

Last week I emailed our college coed and her older sister, the accounting queen, the following list of things to look for in a boyfriend and/or potential husband. Click on the Finding Mr. Right below to follow the link and take a look.

Finding Mr. Right

As I recently told the older daughter, I'm in ZERO hurry to be a grandmother. Planning a wedding, however... That's gonna be a lot of fun. I'm especially looking forward to tagging along for the cake and catering tasting! Since it typically takes about a year to arrange a nice wedding, plus the time invested in dating to find "the one", we're probably talking a process of about two to three years, give or take. An important part of finding the right guy is having a general idea of what you're looking for in your significant other instead of just bouncing along blindly, hoping you fall in love with someone you meet on the myriad dating apps floating around these days. And so I thought this list was a pretty good guide that spells it out for young adults.

I've told the girls that Mr. Perfect for Them won't just fall out of a tree in front of them one day. Oh, if only it worked that way. Or arranged marriages. The husband and I think we'd be pretty good at picking out husband material, ha-ha. But seriously - as much fun as the dating game is, it can also be littered with missteps, false starts, poor judgment and broken hearts. I'm all for waiting until the Lord leads you to the right person instead of settling for Mr. Right Now and a starter marriage. Whether they're 25 or 35 when they walk down the aisle doesn't matter to me, as long as they've found a wonderful man to share their lives with.

There is one more thing I believe needs to be added to this top ten list, a #11 that reminds our girls to seek out a fellow Christian. Watch and wait for God to send you a believer who will grow in faith with you as you mature and figure out what who you are and where God is leading you. Someone who is committed to living a life based on the Bible as God's word, as well as His saving grace, and will devote themselves to that common purpose for the rest of their time on earth together. That's worth waiting for!


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