Monday, September 13, 2021

A new doggy 'do

The accountant daughter's dog we inherited isn't exactly laid back. His chihuahua side is all about the little man syndrome, to the point where a trip to the vet typically requires a muzzle. The daughter has been able to clean up his appearance a bit in the past. But that's only after she has bribed him with a barrel full of treats and risked the occasional bite in the process. He's pretty fast with the snapping jaws. When he isn't groomed, I think he looks like the love child of a gremlin and Fraggle Rock character... with the underlying crazy side eye behavior of a T-rex.

Now that we've switched over to a really sweet and patient mobile groomer, I chatted with her about how the beast was looking incredibly unkempt and smelled like a sewer rat. She told me she has experience with difficult dogs and would try to groom him. At that point, any little bit of scissor or clipper work had to be an improvement. 

When she showed up last week to groom all three dogs, we carefully got him in his muzzle. He was snarling up a storm, doing his best imitation of a rabid honey badger. Thankfully, she was undaunted and got him clipped up nicely before he was able to paw off the muzzle and thus end all attempts at further grooming. After his fluffy coat was clipped, we were able to see these funny patches of lighter fur around his front shoulders. I'm not sure the rest of the family are fans of his groomed look, but I rather like it.

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