Sunday, April 10, 2022

A night to honor our military heroes

The husband's company celebrated the 100th year of sponsoring a local PGA golf tournament. Neither of us are golfers, but we always attend "The Night to Honor our Heroes". Here in Military City USA, we have a proud history of armed forces bases that both train and provide medical care for service members.

The evening kicks off with cocktails and a display of rare military artifacts. We are treated to a performance by a local high school JROTC drill team. Then there's a guest speaker after dinner. In the past I've had the honor of hearing senators and a former president. This year, we were treated to a trifecta of golf dignitaries. Native Texan Ben Crenshaw was seated at our table. He was joined by Lee Trevino and Tom Watson for a Q&A onstage with the Golf Channel's Dan Hicks. 


Before the golf luminaries were invited to speak, Mr. Crenshaw and Hicks joked that Lee Trevino would be there telling stories until midnight if they'd let him. I quickly learned how very entertaining Lee Trevino could be and didn't doubt he'd be there telling yet another funny story well into the night. 

It was a lovely evening, and I'm so glad I got to be a part of honoring the many active duty as well as retired service men and women who were in attendance. God bless the USA, and those who serve to defend her!

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